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Artur Lorkowski, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, accompanied by Deputy Director Dirk Buschle and ECRB Electricity Expert Olena Antonova, engaged in key discussions with several prominent officials.

Artur Lorkowski, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, accompanied by Deputy Director Dirk Buschle and ECRB Electricity Expert Olena Antonova, engaged in key discussions with several prominent officials.

Director met with the Minister of Economy, Mrs. Artane Rizvanolli, and team, focusing on practical aspects of wholesale market opening, the opportunities of a regional ETS, and the status of the Electricity Integration Package (EIP) related legislative package. Additionally, meeting was held with Mr. Tomas Szunyog, EU Ambassador and Head of the EU Delegation to Kosovo to discuss, inter alia, EU support for the Kosovo’s energy sector development.

The Director also met with the Chairman of the National Energy Regulator, Mr. Ymer Fejzullahu, and Board members to discuss regional electricity market integration and ERO’s role. The meeting with the CEO and Board Member of TSO KOSTT, Mr. Evetar Zeqiri, and his team focused on the plan for transposing regulations under EIP and the cooperation with ENTSO-E.

Director Lorkowski presented also Kosovo’s 2023 Implementation Report to the Members of the Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Industry, Entrepreneurship, and Trade. He acknowledged the progress Kosovo has made in implementing the Energy Community acquis in 2023 and early 2024. He highlighted the opening of the day-ahead market and its coupling with Albania, the successful inaugural solar auction, the adoption of the RES Law and the Law on Climate, and the submission of the draft National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) to the Secretariat.

Looking ahead, Director Lorkowski emphasized the urgency for Kosovo* to promptly transpose and implement the EIP, explore potential opportunities within a regional ETS, and finalize the NECP in accordance with the Secretariat's recommendations.

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Distribution channels: Energy Industry