
Planet TV Studios Announces New Episode of “New Frontiers” Featuring Self Regional Healthcare and Michael Kilburn, M.D.
Airing First Quarter 2025: “The Future of Neurosurgery” Highlights Revolutionary Advances and Patient-Centric Care in South Carolina
BOCA RATON, FL, UNITED STATES, December 2, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Planet TV Studios is proud to announce the upcoming airing of a new New Frontiers episode featuring Self Regional Healthcare and renowned neurosurgeon Michael Kilburn, M.D. This compelling documentary, titled “Planet TV Studios Presents Latest New Frontiers Episode, Self Regional Healthcare The Future of Neurosurgery,” will debut in the first quarter of 2025.
This episode shines a spotlight on the innovative practices at Self Regional Healthcare, emphasizing their Neuroscience Center of Excellence and Dr. Kilburn’s groundbreaking contributions to cervical spine surgery. Viewers will gain a deeper understanding of how advancements in neurosurgical techniques are transforming lives and how personalized, multidisciplinary care is at the heart of Self Regional Healthcare’s mission.
Exploring the Future of Neurosurgery
Dr. Michael Kilburn’s journey to neurosurgery began with his fascination for the nervous system’s complexity and his passion for surgical innovation. With over 4,000 cervical spine surgeries to his name, Dr. Kilburn has redefined excellence in addressing spinal cord compression and other debilitating conditions. In the episode, he shares his expertise in procedures such as Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF), illustrating how these techniques restore neurological health and prevent paralysis.
“I’ve always been captivated by the intricacy of the nervous system,” said Dr. Kilburn. “Being able to relieve patients of life-altering conditions through surgery is deeply rewarding.”
The episode will delve into the latest advancements in neurosurgery, including minimally invasive techniques, intraoperative neuro-navigation, and emerging robotic technologies. It will also highlight Self Regional Healthcare’s unique approach to spine care, featuring a comprehensive, team-based model that integrates radiology, rehabilitation, pain management, and oncology.
Commitment to Patient-Centric Care
Self Regional Healthcare’s dedication to neurosurgical excellence is evident in its mission to provide personalized, state-of-the-art care. As one of only two programs in South Carolina to hold bi-monthly multidisciplinary tumor board conferences, the organization exemplifies collaborative care in treating complex pathologies, including tumors, chronic pain, and degenerative disorders.
“Our Neuroscience Center of Excellence is more than a facility—it’s a lifeline for patients with spine-related challenges,” explained Dr. Kilburn. “We are laser-focused on improving outcomes, restoring function, and empowering patients to reclaim their active lifestyles.”
Patient testimonials featured in the episode will highlight the life-changing impact of Self Regional Healthcare’s approach, showcasing stories of recovery and renewed hope.
Inspiring the Next Chapter in Neurosurgery
The episode will also offer a glimpse into the future of neurosurgery. Dr. Kilburn shares his optimism about addressing evolving challenges such as dementias, advanced pain management, and enhanced surgical precision through cutting-edge technologies. With a team of seasoned specialists and a focus on innovation, Self Regional Healthcare is poised to lead the way in neurosurgical care.
Don’t Miss This Groundbreaking Episode
“Planet TV Studios Presents Latest New Frontiers Episode, Self Regional Healthcare The Future of Neurosurgery” will air in early 2025. For more information, visit https://scspinecenter.org or contact Michael Kilburn, M.D., at michael.kilburn@selfregional.org
About Gina Grad
Planet TV Studios welcomes Gina Grad back as the host for this episode. A celebrated radio personality, author, and podcast host, Grad has a dynamic presence that enhances every project she undertakes. Known for her work on the Adam Carolla Show and her children's book about blended families, My Extra Mom, Gina brings energy and expertise to New Frontiers.
About Planet TV Studios
Planet TV Studios is a leading creator of educational and inspiring television programming, covering a wide range of industries and innovations. Through the New Frontiers series, Planet TV Studios highlights trailblazers and organizations shaping the future of their fields.
Christian Kelch
Planet TV Studios
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